Student life

As a W. P. Carey student, your classroom experience is just one part of your preparation for a successful career. We also offer a variety of outstanding opportunities for undergraduate students to gain practical, real-world experiences that complement your classroom studies and prepare you to become one of tomorrow’s business leaders.

Marketing student organizations

It is especially important to get involved in a professional organization associated with your major. This will provide you with networking opportunities with professionals in the field, better equipping you for life beyond the classroom.

Faculty Advisors:
Bret Giles, 602-738-1540,
Nancy Gray, 480-965-2323,
This organization completes live projects provided by top advertising agencies in the Phoenix valley. Ad Works members work in student-run agency teams to develop marketing communication and advertising creative strategy, design and produce tactics, and present their work to the sponsoring agencies. Ad Works also offers learning events and guest speakers to increase student skill and confidence in the advertising craft.
American Marketing Association
Faculty Advisor:
John Eaton, 480-965-2938,
An organization where students can extend both their personal and professional networks. AMA helps students build their resumes, network with business professionals, learn about marketing and find internships and careers. AMA creates a healthy, fun environment for students to learn and grow while maintaining a standard of excellence in everything they do.
Entertainment Business Association
Faculty Advisor:
Elise Riker, 480-965-9237,
EBA provides students with the opportunity to network with peers and professionals involved in the business behind filmmaking, music, radio, event planning, social media, and more. We host guest speakers from established entertainment organizations, go on site visits, and host interactive workshops.
Honors Marketing Advisory Board
Faculty Advisor:
Amy Ostrom, 480-965-6412,
A student organization dedicated to enhancing the Honors experience by providing feedback to the Department of Marketing. Students interested in participating should contact the Department of Marketing Honors Faculty Advisor.
ProSales Club
Faculty Advisor:
Detra Montoya, 480-965-6325,
Sales Scholars Faculty Advisor:
John Dietrich, 480-965-6325,
ProSales Club and Sales Scholars are designed to prepare college students for careers in professional sales through real world experiences, corporate networking, and informational workshops. ProSales Club is open to any W. P. Carey business student who is passionate about pursuing a career in sales. Sales Scholars is limited to 15 students and is by application only.
Sports Business Association
Faculty Advisor:
Elana Kutz, 480-965-1253,
This organization was established to develop professional educational experiences for students interested in the business of sports. It seeks to provide boundless knowledge, networking, and outreach for its members that will ultimately translate to success in the highly-competitive sports business world. The organization hosts two sports career fairs, panel and speaker events with leading sports practitioners, venue tours, and an annual outreach trip.

WPC 101 Student Facilitator

WPC 101 is a required first year student-success course. Facilitating WPC 101 allows you to gain valuable public speaking and leadership experience while perfecting your communication skills. You will have a unique opportunity to help and guide incoming first-year students by sharing your ASU and W. P. Carey experiences with them.

This program also encourages you to develop relationships with staff, faculty, and your peers within the W. P. Carey School of Business. Facilitators receive three hours of upper-division business elective credit for WPC 484.