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AZNext Workforce Development Partnership FAQ


In February 2020, Arizona State University, named the most innovative university in the United States by U.S. News and World Report for 10 consecutive years, was awarded a $10M grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to increase work skill opportunities for all American’s through the AZNext Workforce Training Partnership grant program. This grant is being managed by the W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU, and is a collaboration of several departments of the university.

ASU and its industry partners, through the creation of AZNext, will address the acute need for a skilled Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Advanced Manufacturing workforce.

Our programs will specifically focus on high-skilled, high-wage jobs in the field, including IT, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and manufacturing. Together, we will promote the large-scale expansion of workforce training across the nation for ASU students, current employees, and new learners to address key talent acquisition needs of employers of all sizes.

Participants in AZNext must:

  • Be 17 years of age or older
  • Have a high school degree or equivalent
  • Be a resident of Arizona or a student at ASU
  • Be eligible to work in the U.S.

Individual programs may have additional requirements, please see our current list of programs for details.

AZNext is focused on training in IT, cybersecurity, data analytics & advanced manufacturing including in areas of high need.

Positions can be in areas including but not limited to: computer support specialist, data analyst, system administrator, cybersecurity support specialist, network administrator, database administrator, information security analyst, web developer, manufacturing operators & technicians and more.

AZNext currently offers over a dozen training programs focused on IT, cybersecurity, data analytics & advanced manufacturing. Most of these programs are online based and designed for the working individual. Both self-paced and structured cohort options are available, with some requiring a hands on lab held at one of ASU's campuses. Some courses offer academic credit that can be earned towards an ASU degree program, and all lead to either an academic or industry recognized credential. See our list of programs for details.

Training programs are available no charge to qualified participants. If your program’s academic instructional component includes university credit-bearing courses, and you wish to record those credits, you would be asked to cover the cost of obtaining those university credits.

Our goal is to see you enter full time employment or obtain other positive job outcomes (promotion, increase in responsibility). However, we cannot guarantee that you will have this outcome.

As a participant of the program, you will have access to AZNext’s career support services including; resume writing, interview prep, networking & communications, as well as access to our industry partner network for opportunities as they are available. It is the participants responsibility to pursue a position.

Employer Partner

In February 2020, Arizona State University, named the most innovative university in the United States by U.S. News and World Report for 10 consecutive years, was awarded a $10M grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to increase work skill opportunities for all American’s through the AZNext Workforce Training Partnership grant program. This grant is being managed by the W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU, and is a collaboration of several departments of the university.

ASU and its industry partners, through the creation of AZNext, will address the acute need for a skilled Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Advanced Manufacturing workforce.

Our programs will specifically focus on high-skilled, high-wage jobs in the field, including IT, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and manufacturing. Together, we will promote the large-scale expansion of workforce training across the nation for ASU students, current employees, and new learners to address key talent acquisition needs of employers of all sizes.

Our AZNext team will meet with you and your organization’s implementation team to discuss your current and future employment needs, organizational directives, and any potential solutions a training program may provide. We are able to find instructional materials within ASU to build out the training program, and if necessary, can also discuss how your organization can structure any on-the-job learning (internship, apprenticeship) experience that participants may be required complete. Together, we will establish the competencies required for participants to successfully complete their experience.

ASU will also provide the educational components required for the training program.

An apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, guidance from a workplace mentor, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential.

Although both internships and apprenticeships can lead to university credit, an apprenticeship is typically much more structured than a traditional internship. Apprenticeships are longer-term arrangements, requiring at minimum one year of participation. They also include a structured training plan, with a focus on mastering specific skills an employer needs to fill an occupation within their organization. Apprentices receive individualized training with an experienced mentor, and all apprenticeships must lead to an industry-recognized credential. Unlike internships, apprenticeships are always paid and more frequently lead to full-time employment.

A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a proven model of apprenticeship that has been validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency.

RAPs enable and energize more employers to participate and provide them access to larger talent pools that have been trained for entry-level to management positions, thereby meeting industry demands and reducing unemployment rates across the country.

RAPs also offer benefits to employers, such as technical assistance from the Apprenticeship Office at no charge, confirmation of quality standards measured on a national level, recruiting incentives for populations such as veterans which may receive an additional stipend for participation, and access to federal resources from other programs. Additionally, in several states, businesses can qualify for tax credits by running RAPs.

After being awarded the AZNext grant in February of 2020, the AZNext team has worked hard to build connections with government, employer, and community group partners to develop and structure the program for multiple pathways of workforce development. We are committed to working with our employer partners in highly individualized ways to develop the programs that meet their needs.

The AZNext grant is very focused on inclusive excellence, particularly in fields such as IT & Manufacturing that can have high barriers to entry. Arizona State University’s New American University model closely matches this core mission, defining itself not by who it excludes, but who it includes and how they succeed. We strongly believe that our workforce training models can help bridge that gap in providing opportunity to underrepresented populations in the U.S., to offer training, education, and certifications that open doors in IT careers while earning a salary.

Our training programs support social mobility by creating new and accessible routes into stable, highly-skilled and well-paying jobs. Aligning with ASU’s pillars of access, excellence, and impact, we can enable the next generations of highly skilled, talented IT & manufacturing workers and future leaders to bring momentous positive change and prosperity to our society.

Our current DOL grant does limit us to participants in Arizona. However we do have some flexibility in working with companies who have a significant presence in Arizona, but who also may have employees in other states that can benefit from our programs. Contact us for details.

If you are interested in arranging a one-on-one meeting with our team, please contact and we can arrange an initial meeting to discuss your organization’s focus area and opportunities.

AZNext currently offers over a dozen training programs focused on IT, cybersecurity, data analytics & advanced manufacturing. Most of these programs are online based and designed for the working individual. Both self-paced and structured cohort options are available, with some requiring a hands on lab held at one of ASU's campuses. Some courses offer academic credit that can be earned towards an ASU degree program, and all lead to either an academic or industry recognized credential. See our list of programs for details.

AZNext is focused on training in IT, cybersecurity, data analytics & advanced manufacturing including in areas of high need. We are able to create training standards with specific competencies identified to match your needs.

Positions be made in areas including but not limited to: computer support specialist, data analyst, system administrator, cybersecurity support specialist, network administrator, database administrator, information security analyst, web developer, manufacturing operators & technicians and more.

Absolutely. Our training programs can be used for incumbent workers, and are very successful models for filling skills gaps across the organization and in planning for skills gaps that can occur due to retirement, departmental layoffs or mergers and acquisitions.

Nothing at all. The Department of Labor's, One Workforce grant was awarded to Arizona State University and partly funds the creation and development of training programs. Experiential learning programs (internships, apprenticeships) may require the employer to pay a wage to participants. You may choose to provide additional support for education expenses which the participants will otherwise be expected to pay.

Contact AZNext

AZNext is closing the skills gap to build the future workforce. Please email us at to learn more about the ASU AZNext program.