Alumni reunions
Plan an alumni reunion for your special group with support from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Here you’ll find everything you need to organize a class reunion with as little effort and time commitment as possible.
Support for your alumni reunion
We are thrilled that you are interested in reconnecting with your classmates! To help you in this effort, the W. P. Carey School is able to send out an initial communication to all members of your graduating class, making them aware of the event (including details, if possible), and instructing them on how to participate (providing organizing alum’s contact info etc.).
To best support your effort, we ask that you keep us informed of the following:
- Reunion promotion to classmates by you (social media is suggested, in addition to any email responders you hear from)
- Tracking of anticipated guest list
- Estimated headcount one week prior to the event for food and beverage orders
- List of attendees at least two days prior to the event for nametags (available upon request)
Hosting a reception on campus
If you would like to include an on-campus reception as part of your reunion, the W. P. Carey alumni office can reserve space for a two-hour evening reception in the McCord Hall Oasis for reunion groups of 25 or more. Located on the 4th floor of McCord Hall — the newest business building on ASU's Tempe campus — the Oasis is recommended for Friday evening reunions. Other weeknights may also be available.
Food, drink, and decor
The W. P. Carey School will contribute appetizers and an open bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) for the duration of the reception, which can be set with cocktail tables as well as seated rounds — and decorated with plenty of ASU and W. P. Carey swag items.
Nametags are available upon request. If you would like us to print nametags for your group, please provide the list of attendees at least two days prior to the event.
Campus activities
Many groups have planned on heading to Mill Avenue for dinner at a nearby restaurant following the reception. Consider adding a tour of McCord Hall to your agenda, leading up to or following your event. Tours of other campus buildings (e.g., Gammage Auditorium, Wells Fargo Arena) may also be available depending on scheduling.
Class gifts
If your class is interested in making a class gift, charitable gifts of any amount are always welcome and appreciated. Please let us know if this is something you would like to discuss, so we can share the ways in which your gift can further the mission of the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.
>> Contact Theresa Shaw to get started planning your reunion.